Momente de panică, în Japonia. Un avion cu aproape 400 de pasageri, în flăcări pe aeroportul Haneda VIDEO

Pe reţelele sociale circulă un filmuleţ în care se vede cum şi facilităţi din apropiere de aeroport sunt cuprinse de flăcări.

Deocamdată nu se ştie ce s-a întâmplat.

Din primele informații aeronava avea 367 de pasageri la bord. 


After the #earthquake, Fire at #Haneda Airport, plane on fire...2024 has just started, right? !#Haneda #Airport #Fire #Tokyo #airport #Japan

— mishikasingh (@mishika_singh) January 2, 2024

Video: a JAL plane caught fire while landing at Tokyo's Haneda Airport this evening. Fire crews are on scene trying to extinguish the blaze.

— Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸 (@mrjeffu) January 2, 2024

Here is another video of the landing. Media reports say they could see one of the engines touching the ground. Netizens who monitor flights are saying it could be JAL flight 516 from Sapporo to Haneda.

— Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸 (@mrjeffu) January 2, 2024

BREAKING: Plane in flames on runway at Tokyo's Haneda Airport.📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

— Sky News (@SkyNews) January 2, 2024

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